Weaving onto plaster. Part 2

After looking at the experiments no’s 53,54 & 55, I thought I would try a different shape and created Woven Experiment No.56.
Firstly the wider hole has worked well in allowing me to be able to pass the weave through the plaster more successfully. The convex shape is giving a snug fit to the weave, but the weave is not working over the pointed ends of the plaster shape so this would be lost in the casting. Does the loss of the points matter?

The smooth and texture of the plaster and weaving is looking good but the plaster won’t be in the new work and will leave a void. Could a multi textured sculpture be achievable? Could a smooth was be applied to areas of the plaster form and then a textural woven wax applied over the top?
Maybe a very simple convex shape would work for a basis for an application of smooth wax then pattern and shapes added with a texture.
This would make an interesting combination of rough and smooth, combing the two textures that visitors have enjoyed experiencing.