
The experiments with learning crochet have worked well, and I have now transferred the technique to my work with wax.

Using a crochet chain stitch is the first step, this chain is hand crocheted and then the chain wound around a polystyrene ball to form the first halve of a sphere.

Step two, the chain is stitched together with a swirl weave, in the same manor as my willow weaving.

New idea for a woven sculpture.

As readers of my blog, you may already know I use basketry weaves to create my woven sculptures. I’m always experimenting and trying out new weaves including recently the Corn Dollie weave.
My new move into using metal to weave with has led to some very sore fingers, so I was thinking of using a hand tool to take some of the strain off of my hands.
One type of weave that uses a tool is Crochet, so I’m planning to learn the basic weaves or stitches and see if it will work in my spherical sculpture work.
Watch this space over the coming days for my results.


Start with five strands and weave each strand one once around the neck as shown in the earlier lesson.
Pass the paper tube over and under the next paper tube so that it lays parallel with the next paper strand.
Pick up the paper tube that has just been wrapped and move it to the next paper tube and pass over and under.
Continue weaving one strand at a time passing it over and under the next strand in an anti clockwise rotation.