New woven work

Over the last few months I have, as you know, been experimenting with a new material. After putting jot through its paces I came to the conclusion that I could not weave it in the same style as my willow work as it took far too lang to weave even the smallest piece. Threading every length over and over gave it a very flat appearance, thus loosing all its texture, and the finished result was very un-inspiring. The flatness of the weave allowed the frame work within to be visible, which I do not like.

So back to the drawing board.

When ever I become stuck, I tend to leave the sculpture alone and carry on working on a different sculpture. More often than not an idea will form on its own, or working with a different weave will inspire a spark. 

Whilst using a crochet stitch on a woven copper sculpture, it struck me that a crochet stitch could work well with the new material, it could be woven in a continuous length which would speed up the process some what and it may give some depth and texture to the work.

Instead of starting again with the test piece, i decide to jump in with both feet and start working on a commission piece.

Heres the progress so far: