Chelsea Flower Show preparation

The shed is due tomorrow! I have cleared my studio space, swept and polished, well not with polish, but it is tidy. Things are feeling like they are slotting into place now with most of my research complete it is now time to start making sculptures and getting together all the components of the stand for Chelsea 2011.

This week’s plans are Shed, Floor and Sculpture.

Floor - I had thought long and hard about what should be on the floor of my stand, my ideas were to ensure it was a sustainable product, something new or different from some of the usual floor coverings, something easy to transport if possible and within my tiny budget. A difficult brief if ever there was one, but you will have to wait until tomorrow when I will reveal the chosen product upon which my new sculptures will sit.

Shed - My lovely Dad has once again offered to help build my shed with me in preparation for the event, it will need to house all my brochures, bag, coat, watering can and of course my kettle for a brew. Can’t wait for it to arrive and to get building, painting and decorating it.

Sculpture - The first of the Fallen Egg sculptures is going to be created this week which is going off to Oxfordshire in a few weeks for an exhibition at a specialist plant nursery owned by a Chelsea Gold winning Garden Designer. More info to follow

Well I have a very busy week ahead of me, check out the updates soon.