Pilgrim Women Boston
Pilgrim Woman: Boston, inspired by the story of families arrested and held in Boston jail in the early 17th century. Installed in Boston in Summer 2023.
The Pilgrim Woman Boston sculpture
Lucet weaving
Over one hundred Lucet weaving kits were created and delivered to get the local women and communities living around Boston, Lincolnshire involved with the project. The community weaving has formed a long length of braid that surrounds the Pilgrim’s binding them together in their quest for religious freedom and tolerance.
Watch the short film made by Fred Glensister
Historic Inspiration
Pilgrim Woman is the creation of a new sculpture using the story of families arrested and held in Boston jail in the early 17th century.
The project engaged women living in Lincolnshire from both immigrant and non immigrant background, working with an ancient method of weaving on a Lucet in a series of workshops both physical and virtual to engage women in semi rural areas.
The bronze sculpture of two female figures bound together was exhibited in a new exhibition at The Collection Museum, to shine a light on the historical bondage of women to a male counterpart and open a dialogue for the role of women today.
To be installed in Summer 2022 the Pilgrim Woman will provide a thought provoking new sculpture inspired by the past but prompting reflection on contemporary Boston.
Transported is the Arts Council England funded Creative People and Places programme for Boston and South Holland. Our core purpose is to get more people involved in the arts. Our approach to this is to support the creation of artworks and experiences that resonate with people and are connected to the place. Many of our projects therefore start with a place’s history and forces that have shaped them.
Transported is working closely with Boston Borough Council to use these stories to enhance people's awareness and appreciation of their heritage as well as enriching the visitor experience. We are especially excited to be exploring the town’s Pilgrim themes, from the radicalisation of the separatists, sympathy with those that were arrested in Scotia Creek, and then the Cotton congregation who left and founded Boston Massachusetts.
Thank you
This project would not have been possible without the support of Arts Council England project grants and the generosity of Pangolin Editions Foundry.